Sunday, 31 August 2008

Total bankrupcy of ideas.

Sometime ago, we had asked whether there is any dialogue at the rajeev2004 blog or whether it is only jalpa or vitanda. Last week, a self-evident answer appeared. Some curious student enquired about cultural and religious clashes in India. We were hoping there would be useful answers so that the enquirer knows the truth. Unfortunately, not one straight answer has been forthcoming so far. We tried to post our answer but were unsuccessful four times. As you all know, the blogowner has a policy of deleting comments from some posters summarily. That is how much he cares about the status of Indian society and Hindus!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Charity begins at home

Mr. Rajeev Srinivasan cracked the biggest joke of this century earlier this week when he posted an item about freedom of expression.

This is what the article in the link says about freedom. "The principle is quite clear: it does not matter how you feel about what is being expressed, who is doing it, or who is gaining politically by it; .the right to free expression itself is sacred and a common good and nothing can be allowed to do anything even remotely like abridging it. "

And the article also says "The picture that emerges, then, is that of a people with various political and personal axes to grind, but all united in their authoritarian drive to use any handy tool--administrative, civil, political, or the lynch mob--to suppress any expression that they find inconvenient, distasteful or dangerous. And it's no use blaming politicians either: there has been no politician in history with the ability to exploit an urge that is not already present in the people. We're all perverse freedom fighters, in brief."

Mr. Rajeev Srinivasan, Practise what you preach. Stop deleting comments on the basis of the identity of posters. (It is quite ok to have general rules for posting and follow them fully, but it is not ok to delete comments based on poster's identity) Show the world that you really believe in freedom of expression. For once, act like a Hindu instead of acting like a muslim fundamentalist!!