Friday, 13 February 2009

Practise what you Preach, Mr. Rajeev Srinivasan

The title of the latest post of TOOTBWAHNP (The owner of the blog with a Hindu Nationalist Perspective) goes "How the UPA devalues democracy". Also, there are many new posts about lack of freedom in the Indian society. Unfortunately, the TOOTBWAHNP is unable to see how he is contributing to the gagging of freedom. Here is a blogger (and his devout followers) who has failed to promote any kind of freedom on his blog. We have noticed that neither the owner of the rejeev2004 blog nor any other poster there EVER tried to instill a sense of freedom, fairness, or justice on the blog. I would like to tell him that Congress and UPA have only perfected what he practises in a halfhazard manner.

Hindu litereature often talks about microcausm, the 'Pinda and the Brahmanda' relation. So, my advice to Mr. Rajeev Srinivasan - follow the Hindu religion and principles. Work for freedom and democracy on your own blog. The wider society will soon pick up what its constituents stand for.