Friday, 1 February 2008

Masters of Inaction

.The Jews have noticed the hateful writings of one person who claims to promote peace and have taken a Strong action agains one wrong-doer . Our own Hindu Nationalist has been writing for close to a decade, and has not yet come out with a single call for action. He has the cheek to call Hindus brain-washed though....


Christian said...

Rajeev is like a kid who sulks when he does not get his way. Anyone with an opposing view is persona non grata. To keep his holier than thou image, he writes all the muck he wishes to write with his "karyakarta" id. He's so childish in his writings and I'm surprised rediff gives him the space to publish this nonsense.

iamfordemocracy said...

I am sure rediff is getting a lot of hits thanks to Rajeev's articles. After all, his is the only voice that lays bare the devious ways of corporate religion and pseudo-secular intellectuals. Not only rediff should continue publishing Rajeev's articles, they should do so without censoring them. They should also enlist a few other intellectuals who sympathise with hapless Hindus - but are not affiliated to BJP or VHP.

I would certainly like Rajeev to be more focussed and responsible, and also more open. He and his devotees don't probably realise this, but he does already seem rather unintelligent and devoid of ideas. Makes me wonder whether Nehru was intelligent in his yonger days.