Saturday, 25 July 2009

Herd mentality. Try adding 2+ 2 now.

Last few days, there has been incessant shouting about alleged foreign policy mistakes of the Manmohan team. We tried to make out what all the shouting was about. This is what we found.

Here is a link 1 It concludes “Nonalignment is no ideology. It is an idiosyncrasy.”

Here is link 2 that says Bharat Varma says a chinese attack on India is imminent.

Here is what TOOTBWAHNP's satellite poster says in his post Another Manmohan capitulation.

"Other write ups in this newspaper have the "redoubtable" SM Krishna saying that there's nothing wrong in opening ones kimono WIDE (as in REALLY WIDE) to intrusive american inspections.
If this is how totally Manmohan and Co are selling us down the drain in a deal so simple, imagine how total the sell-out in the nuke deal, once the technical gobbledegook is removed, must be. "

Now, if a Chinese attack is imminent, and if non-aligned stance is useless, and if Amercian weapons could help avert attack, and if America won't sell weapons unless an end-use inspection agreement is signed, where is the capitulation? is 2+ 2 = 5?

Or is it that you will oppose Congress even when it is clearly doing the best to forward Indian interests?

We will be glad to show the mistakes of the shouting brigade if there is more interest in it. Let us know.

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