Friday 8 February 2008

The Kaliyuga is here.

For long, I have suspected that those who claim to be concerned about Hindus have no respect whatsoever about Hindu philosophy. The Kaliyuga is here. By now, a dozen have voted that the discussion at Rajeev2004 blog is Samvaada. I doubt anyone had read the narrative we presented on the side or for that matter, the original Darshana (Nyaya or Vaisheshika) before voting. They seem to think they are bigger than the Hindu Philosophy. Here is the description of Samvaada again for their benefit.

Samvaada is the discussion between the teacher and the taught. Before the teaching starts, the teacher and the taught invoke the grace of the Lord, .Om Sahanavavatu... Ma vidvishavahai, OM Santi....etc. to make sure there is no hatred between the two so that teaching can take place. The student is allowed to question, and the questioning is not intended to test the teacher but to clarify student's understanding (or misunderstanding).

We can make it into Samvaada. I am willing to ask one simple question every week and let the Guru answer.. Who will take responsibility for making sure that the question is not deleted?

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