Thursday 26 March 2009

The PUB owner wants to grow.

The owner of the blog with a Hindu Nationalist Perspective has now declared his intention to grow.

He wants more hits. There are new guys commenting on the post. Old guys do not seem to have much opinion about this. It seems that not all can be fooled all the times. New posters will of course get fooled for a few weeks before they come to know about the vicious truth of the pub culture.

In one of the responses, the TOOTBWAHNP writes "in effect maald this is what we have now. only the abusive posts are deleted." Thus far, the J L Nehru of the blogworld was writing truthfully, mostly about his feelings about many situations, many of them masquerading as theories. Now, he has taken recourse to falsehood.

"Only the abusive posts are deleted?" Are you sure Mr. Rajeev? We can pull out dozens of posts that were deleted and ask users whether they were abusive. We will do so with one post every week.

The truth is, a liquor bar cannot grow organically. If you wish to grow, keep the pub separate from the discussion forum. Civilised people will not care to join the pub, but they would happily participate in a truly free and independent forum.

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